If your assessment results indicate that you have a stronger affinity for a somatic approach to leading, you are likely action-oriented and always “on the move”. You may find it difficult to sit still and deliberate with colleagues for a lengthy session, and should be thoughtful and respectful of others, while also attentive to your need to stand up, move, and stretch.
Depending upon your level of emphasis the emotional or cerebral domains, you may become impatient with either too much sharing of colleagues “feelings” or too much time spent on research/data. You may struggle to stay focused in meetings and be easily distracted so it is imperative to manage your time and allow a balance of activities in nature and physical exercise.
You may do your best thinking while moving around – and may want to be creative in working with your subordinates; e.g. take walks for one-on-one meetings, engage in team-building activities that get you out of the office and in action with your team, etc.
It is important for you to slow down at times, and attend to your body language; e.g. pay attention to your physical presence, gestures, eye contact, etc. Being highly energetic, and kinetic in your presence can be energizing for others and motivating, but if not managed with self-awareness and a sense of balance, could also be a distraction.
High energy
Recognize and value the emotional and analytical skills of others; be patient
Learn to leverage your action-orientation and modulate your energy to bring others along with you
Be wary of “jumping to conclusions” for the sake of speed
Encourage and support others who are less somatically inclined
Pay attention to your body language so you are sending signals that add value and reinforce the positive but are not a distraction
Develop increased awareness and focus by paying attention to styles of others who are more emotional and cerebral—they may need time to analyze, integrate and reflect when you are already to move ahead. Be cautious of your tendency to want to “act now, think later” as you may lose others or take a wrong turn in haste.
Like emotional leaders, you may be put off by detailed analysis and have a desire to “get to the point” so you can check off items on your “to do” list. Be mindful of how others respond to physical movement and fast action—recognize that some of your colleagues may need space and time (both emotional and cerebral) to reflect before following your lead, especially if your decisions and actions feel quick or rushed for them.
As with cerebral colleagues, when working with more emotionally inclined team members, it will be important to be mindful and communicate your desire to fully use the physical space and get value from physical movement. Very likely, you will want to stand up, move and walk around when making decisions or brainstorming. This behavior can be highly impactful and energize the team, but it is important to be balanced and open to matching your need for action with time for reflection, analysis, or discussion of feelings that others may need to feel fully included.